Kamis, 02 April 2015


Woaaaa, it's been a long long long time!
Finally, setelah lupa banget sama password blog gue dari jaman baheula ini, karna males banget buat bikin blog baru lagi. He. Heya guys, di tulisan gue sekarang ini, gue bakal bahas tentang "Transformation". Umm, of course about my transformation. Transformation yang gue maksud disini tentang gue yang sekarang sudah berjilbab. Alhamdulillah.

Okay, let's start!
Here, before I have my jilbab on.

And this is how do I look wearing jilbab.

Kenapa gue memutuskan untuk pake jilbab?

Jadi......... gini. Gue dari dulu udah pengen banget sama yang namanya pake jilbab. Iya beneran pengen banget. Tapi gue takut masih suka lepas-pasang. Inget banget sampe dulu gue kuliah PAI, gue tanya sama dosen gue, "Pak, kalo menurut bapak, mendingan cewe pake jilbab-lepas pasang atau pas bener-bener udah siap baru pake jilbab biar gak lepas-pasang lagi?". Dan dengan gampang dosen gue itu langsung jawab, "lepas-pasang, seenggaknya dia mau nyoba". Yap, that's the point. Semua itu emang gak gampang dan butuh proses. Pada akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk pake jilbab, walaupun awalnya masih suka lepas-pasang dan ngeluh kepanasan. At least, gue mau nyoba.

Awalnya gue ga pede. Banget.

Pertama kali gue ke kampus pake jilbab itu rasanya..... astaga deg-degan karna udah kebayang gue bakal di bully kayak apa sama temen-temen gue. Eh, gak kok, di bully maksudnya di cengin biasa gitu deh tapi  males banget yekan? Oke, lanjut. Gue ke kampus pake masker sangking masih canggungnya pake jilbab. Hahaha. Gue masuk kelas dan kayaknya pada gak ngenalin gue. Gue telat waktu itu jadi duduk paling depan. Dan akhirnya kelas selesai. Yak. Selesai. Dan gue pun buka masker dan..... temen-temen gue gak nyangka kalo itu gue! Uwew. Dan mereka kira gue pake kerudung pas itu gara-gara itu mata kuliah sosiologi agama. Fyuhhhh, padahal gue kan emang udah niat pake jilbab beneran :( Tapi pada akhirnya mereka tau kok kalo gue paek jilbab beneran, dan katanya lebih (ehem) cantik pake jilbab. Hihihi *mungkin mereka lg belekan*

Gue pernah baca, tapi lupa siapa yang nulis. Jadi tulisannya tuh gini:
"A rose protects it's beauty with thorns. A Muslimah protects her beauty with her hijab. Women in Islam are just like pearls in a shell. Priceless treasures. And most beautiful treasure on the Earth are hidden. So, it's important for a Muslim woman to cover her body by taking Hijab, because they are also considered as beautiful treasures in Islam."

So, buat kalian yang masih ragu buat pake jilbab, coba aja dulu. Kayak yang gue bilang tadi, semua butuh proses. Emang gak gampang buat berubah jadi orang yang lebih baik. Pasti banyak banget alesan yang bikin kalian ragu. Yang penting itu niat. Iya, niat. Emang pasti bakalan ada yang ngomongin lo, dibilang kerdus lah atau apalah, but, hatters gonna hate, guys. Mau lo orang sebaik apapun, pasti masih bakalan ada orang yang gasuka sama lo. Pasti. Well, you guys have choice to change things in your life right now, of course there's so many thing you would love to change.


Jumat, 03 Juni 2011


Sekumpulan anak perempuan yang mempunyai hobby main futsal! hahaha. Sebenernya sih kita bukanya mau sok2an bikin team buat apa gitu, cuma mau nyalurin hobby kita aja. :P

Crazy Little Thing Called Love!

A Thai romantic movie that tells us how love could be so crazy, First Love : Crazy Over Crazy Little Thing Called Love is about an ugly-duckling-turned-into-a-swan high school girl,Nam, who had a crush with his senior, Shone, the campus` football prince, since first year high school. Her love for him made her changed everything about herself in order for him to notice her. She succeeded when she was chosen as the drum major during the sports festival. However, things did not turn out so well when Shone`s best friend, Top, who was a transferee, confess his love to her. In order to get close with Shone, she let him be his boyfriend. But later, she broke up with Top and confessed to Shone her feelings on his graduation day. Shone, who sworn to Top not to court Nam, rejected her by telling her that Pin, his close friend, was already her girlfriend about two weeks ago. The later part was my favorite when the movie revealed Shone`s viewpoints. After all those years, he was also in love with Nam but was not able to show his feelings because he was shy and afraid of what others would say. He left his notebook, which contains Nam`s pictures, without telling her it was his. After nine years, Shone appeared in Nam`s interview in a tv show. Though not directly stated in the end, but Shone told her what she longed to hear.
The film was directed by Putthiphong Promsakha na Sakon Nakhon and Wasin Pokpong, and starred by Mario Maurer as Shone and Pimchanok Luevisedpibool as Nam. The plot was very simple yet it captured everyone`s heart in our campus. Everybody was so in love not only with the Shone character but also with Mario Maurer himself, and was so amazed with how Nam used her love for the better. It was really a funny and cute movie to watch for. Anybody who have been in love or just had a crush can relate to this, and even those who never had but still want to be one.